Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This is how we get the shirts over seas!

(this is how Stop The Nakedness and Fig Tree Clothing
joined forces with C.S. to give shirts to children in need)

So we worked with Christian Surfers earlier this year on a project called
Panama prep school.
They were taking ..........well just watch the video for the rest of the story.

Give us some feed back when your done watching the video
The plan is to have the surfline story launch on Dec 8 on
So if you can help us get the word out about it so it gets bombarded with plays that would be great.

1 comment:

akelso said...

I love you guys, I love your company, I love your mission, love the product and the team, keep up the good work, i'd love to be a part of these projects, and company. Completely consumed, humbly convicted
Alex Kelso
UNF '12