Saturday, November 15, 2008

Well its been a long night and im worn out.
We Just finished the new website and im about to crash.
make sure to take a look and let us know what you think.


DJlegge said...

Hey, it's DJ, What in the world are you doing up at 3:30 in the am. Just to let you know, my bike, backpack, helmet, shoes and clothes are REPRESENTING! Why, theres even tagged B-Ball goal at Ronnie Van Zant Park!We miss you and hope to see Christmas.

jnizzle08 said...

ugh! im happy to seee a change-the-world-campaign that's not just for trends or trying to be popular. this is actually to help people. i want like allll these clothes to represent. woooo! ima get all meh frendzez to help tooo :D

kudos to yew guys! God bless